Day 1 :
Keynote Forum
Plamen Dimitrov
Department of Neurology and Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Medical University of Varna, Bulgaria.
Time : 10-00 pm
Doctor Plamen Dimitrov is a researcher at the Department of Physiology and Department of Neuroscience at Medical University of Varna, Bulgaria. He has also master degree in Clinical psychology at the University of Sofia "St. Kliment Ohridski". His research interests include Neuroscience, Quantitative EEG, Brain mapping, Dementia, Neurodevelopment diseases in the childhood, Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Dyslexia. Also interest in Brain augmentation with Transcranial Magnetic and Electrical modulation (rTMS, tDCS). Presently Dr. Dimitrov’s PhD work is over QEEG ANALYSIS IN AUTISTIC CHILDREN.
Autism or Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) is a mental developmental disorder, manifested in the early childhood. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is an another psychiatric disorder of the neurodevelopmental type. There are evidences that the both disorders affect the information processes in the nervous system altering the mechanism, how the neurons and their synapses are connected and organized. It is not yet clear the etiology and the physiological mechanisms of ASD and ADHD.
Keynote Forum
Hossam younis
neurologist king fahad armed forces hospital, jeddah ,KSA
Keynote: Multiple sclerosis (MS)
Time : 11-30pm
Prof. Hossam Hamdy is Professor of Surgery and Medical Education. An internationally known medical educator and active Pediatric Surgeon. A scholar, professional and leader in higher education in the Middle East and renowned internationally. He has established and led several Medical Colleges, Suez Canal University, Egypt, Arabian Gulf University, Bahrain and Gulf Medical University, UAE.
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is classically defined as chronic inflammation of the central nervous system (CNS) but is better described as a multi-component disease with a balance between pathophysiological mechanisms . The immune dysregulation in MS is considered to be multifactorial, involving a ‘perfect storm’ of genetic susceptibility, epigenetic and post-genomic events, and environmental factors such as viral pathogens [e.g. EpsteinBarr virus (EBV)], chemicals, smoking, diet (obesity) and vitamin D levels (sun exposure) . The immune dysregulation in MS involves ‘crosstalk’ between the innate and adaptive immune systems. Innate immune cells such as dendritic cells (DCs) are also antigen-presenting cells (APCs). The binding of antigen to the cell surface activates DCs, which communicate with na€Ä±ve CD4+ T cells and shape the adaptive immune response. Many new options to interfere with the course of MS have become available over the past few years. Main intervention points with the current range of disease-modifying therapies are antigen presentation, peripheral immune response, the BBB and ‘target tissue’ within the CNS itself . Each type of immunotherapy correlates with specific components of the underlying immunopathology of MS .
Keywords : immune dysregulation ,innate immunity , adaptive immunity ,immunotherapy.
Keynote Forum
Melchor Rodrigo
Dr Melchor Rodrigo, MD, Professor of Neurology, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Keynote: The underdiagnosis of cryoglobulinemias, a potentially big problem at the long term
Time : 11-00 pm
Melchor Rodrigo was born in Alexandria (Virginia, United States) in 1978. At the age of four, he traveled to Argentina, the place of origin of his parents. Since then, she has lived in both countries because of the flexibility her father's job required. After graduating as a doctor at the University of Salvador, he returned to his native country where he did research in Neuroradiology and General Radiology. With less than a year of receipt, he published papers in the World Federation of Neurosurgery. Later, in prestigious publications such as the Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe and the Association of University Radiologists.
To evaluate the prevalence of cryoglobulinemias, as well as it,s commorbidities and ethiology.Autoimmune diseases could very well be referred to as a spectrum too, being that in most cases you find some form of other autoinmune disease overlapped. But what about cryoglobulinemia? Could this disease go very much undiagnosed, despite suspecting an autoinmune disorder? Cryoglobulins are immunoglobulins that precipitate at temperaturas below 37ºC. They Usually redissolve Upon rewarming.Clinically, it usually presents with púrpura (a purplish discoloration from bleeding under the skin.) It also usually presents with severe joint pain and muscle pain (something known as Metzler´s Triad).The problem is that sometimes these immuneglobulins attach together and form immunecomplexes, which compromise blod flow and can hurt certain organs such as the kidneys and the liver.